Birth registration is a right and an obligation for foreigners, including refugees, in Turkey. It means the official registration of the birth of the child through a legal process that takes place in the Population Department “nüfus idaresi” in the state. It is a permanent and official registration of the child's presence; This establishes the child's legal identity and links the child to the country of his or her nationality.
Birth registration is important as it enables children to access their basic rights such as education and health care. Without birth registration and documentation, children may have problems establishing their nationality, putting them at risk of becoming stateless.
Birth registration verifies the age of the children, which protects them from the risks of trafficking, employment, early forced marriage, illegal adoption, and sexual exploitation.
Birth registration also establishes the link between the child and the parents and protects the family unit. It can also help to reunite the family with the parents in the future in case of family separation.
Register your child's birth
To register newborns in Turkey, you must notify the Population Department and Civil Registry in the provinces. This includes children born out of wedlock. A notification is given by the mother, the father, or the legal guardian of the child.
In the absence of the parents or legal guardian, the grandfather, grandmother, adult brothers, or other persons accompanying the child shall notify the Population Department and Civil Registry.
According to Turkish law, the Population Department and Civil Registry must be notified within 30 days. If notified within 30 days, there will be no charges. After the births are registered, the child's birth certificate is issued, bearing in mind that the process of registering and issuing a birth certificate is free of charge.
If you are unable to register the birth of your child with the Population Department and Civil Registry, please contact UNHCR and its partners.
Is it enough to inform the Directorate General of Migration Management in the governorate about the birth?
Informing the Directorate General of Migration Management about the birth of the child is important, as the child will be issued an identity document proving his/her legal status in Turkey.
However, it remains necessary to register the birth of the child with the Civil Registry and the Population Department. This is because, upon application for registration, an internationally recognized birth certificate is given to the notified person, which can be used in other countries.
Please note that identity documents evidencing legal status in Turkey will be returned when the person's status in Turkey is terminated or when the person leaves Turkey. However, the birth registration certificate will remain with the family, even if the family leaves Turkey.
Does registering a newborn mean that the child will obtain Turkish citizenship?
No. Birth registration in itself does not confer citizenship on the child. The process of birth registration is different from the process by which individuals acquire a nationality.
How is the birth of a refugee child registered in Turkey?
The governorates' Civil Registry and the Population Department must be notified about the newborns, as mentioned before. This includes children born out of wedlock.
Step One: Understand the Notification Requirements:
Every birth that takes place in Turkey must be registered in the Population Department and Civil Registry, primarily by the parents. In the absence of parents or legal guardians, the child's grandparents, adult siblings, or other persons accompanying the child may also notify the concerned departments about the birth.
Second Step: Gather Documents:
Please check the required documents before going to the concerned departments, which are:
The birth report that issued by the hospital.
Parental identity documents are issued by the Regional Directorate of Migration Management.
Address information.
The third step: Go to the Population Department “nüfus idaresi” and the Civil Registry:
You will need to inform these departments in person within 30 days of the child's birth. If notified within 30 days, there is no fee to pay.
You will be asked to submit a birth report issued by the hospital, along with the parents' identification documents issued by the Provincial Directorate of Migration Management and address information. In the absence of a report on the birth, the Population and Civil Registry Departments will start an investigation to confirm the birth.
Consistent with the birth report or the outcome of such investigation, the birth will be recorded; then you will receive a birth notification form. Upon your request, a multilingual birth certificate can also be issued.